Ultrasound therapy uses high-energy sound waves (those above the range we hear) to help ease painful joints and muscles. The sound waves generate heat as they go deep into the muscles and soft tissue. The deep heat causes changes in the injured tissue, helping it heal.
Ultrasound treatment is used for chronic muscle, overuse, and soft tissue injuries. It is used on deep soft tissue, muscle bruises, and scar tissue. It may be used to treat conditions such as musculoskeletal injuries, arthritis and fibromyalgia. Often it is used along with a physical therapy program of stretches and exercises.
- Stimulates healing without causing irritation
- Speeds metabolism and improves circulation
- Breaks up and softens scar tissue and adhesions
- Reduces chronic inflammation or swelling
- Reduces irritation to nerve roots
- Enhances the body's natural healing process
Warnings and Contraindications
Ultrasound therapy is generally safe. However, it does carry some risks. Patients are advised to consult with their physician before receiving therapeutic ultrasound. At Center for Chiropractic & Wellness we will not administer ultrasound or any therapy without a chiropractic recommendation from one of our practitioners.
- People with pacemakers
- Pregnancy
- Use over the skull, eyes, heart, or reproductive organs
- People with Cancer
Therapeutic ultrasound differs from diagnostic ultrasound, which uses less-intense sound waves to create images of internal structures. Please do not confuse this therapy with imaging technologies.
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